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Stavropoleos 5, Old Town Area, Bucharest

Open Hours:

  • Monday –  Sunday – 09:00 – 24:00

Bookings: 0726 282 373

Year 1899

The construction of Caru’ cu bere

On March 10, 1898, after three months of studying the project prepared by the Polish architect Zigfried KOFSINSKY (1858-1932) and architect Alois Pesch, from the Technical Department of the Bucharest City Hall, Mr. N. Mircea received the “Building permit no. 1738/98, for the location in 5 Stavropoleos Str.”.

Construction license - 1898

Construction license – 1898

The new building is opened in June 1899, event recorded in the “Commercial Courier” of June 6 and in “Adevărul” of June 18.

"Adevarul" newspaper - 18th of June 1899

“Adevarul” newspaper – 18th of June 1899

Caru' cu bere postcards (foto Duschek)

Caru’ cu bere postcards (foto Duschek)

The building and the establishment became famous in the commercial field of Bucharest at the beginning of a new century and the activity of the MIRCEA brothers was recognized and appreciated. In 1900, Nicolae MIRCEA received the Romanian citizenship and the military decorations the Order of the Romanian Crown and the Order of the Star of Romania.

Nicolae MIRCEA, honored in 1900

Nicolae MIRCEA, honored in 1900

Royal citizenship certificate for Victor Mircea - 1900

Royal citizenship certificate for Victor Mircea – 1900

Nicolae, Victor and Ignat MIRCEA operated several establishments in Bucharest at the beginning of the 20th century: 5 Stavropoleos Str. – Caru’ cu Bere, 6 Academiei Blvd, 4 Carol Str., 1 Ctin. Mille Str., Gara de Nord and were recorded in the yearly catalogues, monographs and guides of Bucharest (1905, 1906-Damé, 1928-O.N.Greceanu).

"Greetings from Bucharest's Caru' cu bere" postcard - 1902

“Greetings from Bucharest’s Caru’ cu bere” postcard – 1902

Bucarest en 1906 - de Frédéric Damé

Bucarest en 1906 – de Frédéric Damé

As his business thrived in 1909-1910, Nicolae MIRCEA managed to buy several lands and buildings in 4-6 Lipscani Str., adjoined to the property from 5 Stavropoleos Str.

Contract of sale - Nicolae Mircea - 1910

Contract of sale – Nicolae Mircea – 1910

In 1924, architect Zigfried KOFSINSKY designed the plans to widen and arrange the Brewery with the new locations from Lipscani Str.: the central emplacement of the hall was opened and the decoration was completed with a wide skylight and stained glass; the basement from the old building was transformed into wine cellar.

Facade extension project study by architect Zigfried KOFSINSKY - 1924

Facade extension project study by architect Zigfried KOFSINSKY – 1924

Restaurant Caru' cu bere - inside picture -1924

Restaurant Caru’ cu bere – inside picture -1924